Whats New in iPhone 4S

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Jailbreakers want to sidestep Apple, take your iOS device crash reports to find new exploits

The well –known jailbreak development team Chronic Dev, yesterday posted a blog regarding the work they have been doing on a proper jailbreak for iOS 5. The team says that Apple fixed the jailbreak-prone deeds found in iOS 5 beats with the issue of the golden master build in the month of October. Apparently, this becoming an obstacle in group's plan of releasing an iOS 5 jailbreak and is also an upset for those looking to add some tweaks to their iOS 5 devices.

The team explains that Apple uses their iTunes-based crash reporting system to discover jailbreak exploits before they are released into the wild. To outcome losing exploits in the future, the Chronic Dev group has revealed a bold move: they want to sidestep Apple, install software onto your system and re-route crash reports to the jailbreak development team. Doing this will permit the team to pinpoint areas in the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch operating system that are prime for jailbreak exploits. The team Chronic Dev Explains:

“Using this agglomeration of your crash reports and our ninja skills, Chronic Dev group is able to quickly pinpoint vulnerabilities in various programs by using the identical techniques that Apple currently working on. Lastly, your data will aid in pointing which applications are the most vulnerable, so that we can focus our time and energy on these with laser-like intensity. And obviously, this will also avoid Apple from accessing all your valued data, just so they can the turn around and use it against you”.

If you are interested to join your hands with Chronic Dev in this work, you are at your own risk. Apple is probable already working on iTunes and Mac OS X security updates to combat this move from Chronic Dev.  We does not take a stance on jail breaking, hacking or this software, we are just reporting the news.


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