Whats New in iPhone 4S

Monday, 7 November 2011

Apple gives a nod to the Battery Drain problem; confirms a major fix.

All the speculations about the battery drainage problem have been confirmed finally by apple itself and it has also promised a swift fix for all the prevailing issues. The low battery problem has been in news since the release of the new iPhone 4S. It happens even while running the basic applications. Apple wants to rectify the problem soon with the launch of a new update.

As per the statistics, a small number of people have experienced problems with lower than expected battery life. While the issue will be solved within a span of few weeks, for the iphone lovers the duration is going to be a bit long. But experts say that by upgrading the processor and OS, adding the smart Siri and altering the display and not including the perfect battery for all these apps could affect the longevity of the phone. A similar complaint was made with iPhone 3GS where the culprit was the sluggish battery.
Apple’s new update might definitely give boost to the battery life. But the question will always be evident that whether just a software update can make a big difference.


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