Apple was one of the first handset making companies to bring forward the microSIM format. Apple had introduced this thinnest technology in its latest version of iPhone 4S. Reducing the size of a normal SIM to half of its size has worked wonders for the new iPhone. Now Apple is getting prepared to dive deep into the concepts of Nano SIM to bring the technology into the future phones, especially to the upcoming iPhone 5.
The German company, G&D, which had created the world’s first SIM Card, the Nano SIM, is the creator for this one as well. It is even smaller and thinner version of the one that was created for the initial iPhones namely iphone 4 and iphone 4S. The Nano SIM is also 15% thinner and is fully backwards compatible with an adapter.
With the new generation opting for the thinnest of all the devices, every single component of the iphone counts. They are the ones that make it the most stunning and also thinner devices leads to better battery lives as well. Since Apple has a history of bringing in the latest of the latest technologies to the market, no surprise if the Nano SIM gets its new avatar: The iPhone 5.
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